Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Kafsols Software House! Please review the following terms and conditions governing your use of our products and services:


Limitation of Liability

Kafsols Software House is not liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the materials on our site.

Licensing Policy

Our software products are released under appropriate licenses. Refer to our licensing policy page for detailed information.

Product Compatibility

Our products are designed to be compatible with industry-standard technologies. Using outdated technologies may result in performance issues.


Upon payment receipt, information about your purchased products will be emailed to you. This process typically takes a few minutes but may take up to 24 hours.


All products remain the property of Kafsols Software House. You may not claim ownership over any of our products, modified or unmodified.

Browser Compatibility

Our products aim for compatibility across major browsers, including Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.


Our software solutions are regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest industry standards and technologies.

Theme Support

Refer to our Help and Support Policy page for details on the support services we offer.

Price Changes

Kafsols Software House reserves the right to modify or suspend subscriptions at any time.

Refund Policy

For details on refunds, refer to our Refund Policy page.

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